Bead Head Bitch Creek

This Bead Head Bitch Creek Nymph Fly is believed to have originated in Montana. The fly was designed to imitate a stone fly nymph, even though it bares very little resemblance, only perhaps in swimming action due to the rubber legs. This fly can be used to imitate stone fly nymphs of various species.
Due to the bead head, this fly will sink fast, allow it to sink and retrieve it with short jerks on the rod tip. These jerks draw the fly quickly forwards, which push the legs backwards as the fly is drawn through the water. As the fly stops, the legs will flow forwards back into position, which in turn acts a stimulant for the inquisitive and hungry trout.
All flies are tied with American sourced materials including Hareline Dubbin Materials and Whiting Farm's Hackles & Capes and are tied on premium hooks.