White Wulff

This White Wulff pattern is a midseason summer to late summer pattern. This White Wulff pattern is an attractor pattern and imitates big Isonychia duns such as the Gray Drake and Green Drake. The origins of this fly are in the North Eastern USA and it was designed by Lee Wulff who utilized hair instead of feathers for wings and tails. In doing so he created a bushier, higher floating more durable fly. As such, this pattern can be fished in faster, rougher water and in the later part of the day. This fly will ride high in the water and is easily tracked.
When fishing any dry fly pattern, matching the color and the size to the hatch are critical. Often overlooked is the casting of shadow from your leader, which may lead to spooked fish. We suggest selecting a high float leader. Additional waterproofing can be given to you fly delaying it becoming waterlogged, by applying a flotant product such as Gink ®.