Adams Irresistible

The Adams Irresistible was created in the 1930s by the famous Catskill's tyer Harry Darbee of Roscoe, New York. Harry and his wife Elsie Darbee combined the high-floating clipped deer hair body of a bass bug with hackles and wings of a trout fly. The original fly had deer hair wings, although other irresistible have wings of hackle tips (Irresistible Adams) or calf tail (Irresistible Wulff).
For big water and the faster current sections, the Adams Irresistible is one of the best impressionistic pattern to fish. This is a close cousin of the Adams pattern and has a deer hair body, which makes it very difficult to sink indeed. It will float high and maintain the proper impression for a mayfly in fast, choppier water conditions. This can be placed in the category of an attractor type fly and is a holds very well in many stream like scenarios. Due to it’s buoyancy this fly can also be fished in combination with a bead head or weighted nymph fished 2 feet, or so below, depending on your depth of run.
When fishing any dry fly pattern, matching the color and the size to the hatch are critical, with presentation being the finishing touch to this trinity. Often overlooked is the casting of shadow from your leader, which may lead to spooked fish. We suggest selecting a high float leader. Additional waterproofing can be given to you fly delaying it becoming waterlogged, by applying a flotant product such as Gink ®.
All flies are tied with American sourced materials including Hareline Dubbin Materials and Whiting Farm's Hackles & Capes and are tied on premium hooks.