Spent Partridge Caddis, Fly Fishing, Dry Fly Caddis – Dryflyonline.com

Spent Partridge Caddis

Spent Partridge Caddis Fly

This Spent Partridge Caddis dry fly is a low profile, high production dry fly.  It will take on a lower riding profile and sit nicely in the film.  Give the fly a little encouragement in action to imitate a struggling, dying "caddis". 

This particular pattern is tied to imitate the "Caddis". The term Caddis represents an order of insects that have over 12,000 members which also includes sedge flies or rail flies. Closely related to the moth family, you will find this pattern can be fished nationwide around all bodies of water and is very effective when fished at dusk and late afternoon, but depending on the stream can be fished the entire day. This is a must have pattern in your fly box.

This dry fly caddis can be fished in most if not all waters of the continental USA. 

All flies are tied with American sourced materials including Hareline Dubbin Materials and Whiting Farm's Hackles & Capes and are tied on premium hooks.

$ 1.35