Sparkle Dun Tan, Discount Trout Flies for Fly Fishing –

Sparkle Dun Tan

Sparkle Dun Tan

This Sparkle Dun - Tan pattern is an all season fly and used when a variety of mayflies are hatching. This Sparkle Dun - Tan pattern imitates a variety of hatches and mayflies, so depending on your local water you will need to have various sizes and shades of this pattern including the Sparkle Dun -Sulpher and Sparkle Dun - BWO.

Fish this pattern in the “film”, or surface tension, the tail materials representing the shucks. This fly can be fished in slow and moderate riffles and works best on shorter intermittent drifts. This fly stimulates action when the trout are feeding predominantly on mayfly duns.

When fishing any dry fly pattern, matching the color and the size to the hatch are critical.   Often overlooked is the casting of shadow from your leader, which may lead to spooked fish.   We suggest selecting a high float leader. Additional waterproofing can be given to you fly delaying it becoming waterlogged, by applying a flotant product such as Gink ®.

All flies are tied with American sourced materials including Hareline Dubbin Materials and Whiting Farm's Hackles & Capes and are tied on premium hooks.

$ 0.96