Royal Coachman, Discount Trout Flies, Dry Flies for Fly Fishing –

Royal Coachman

Royal Coachman

This Royal Coachman pattern is an attractor dry fly pattern. This Royal Coachman pattern is an all season pattern. The design is credited to John Hailey and he said to have composed it in 1878 by John Haily of New York. When the trout are feeling unselective, which may be rare, or you see little action try this pattern. If they are feeding on specifics, this pattern invariably will prove ineffective.   This pattern is very buoyant and are designed to be fished in rougher, faster waters were waiting trout may have less time to observe the fly as it moves by.

When fishing any dry fly pattern, matching the color and the size to the hatch are critical.   Often overlooked is the casting of shadow from your leader, which may lead to spooked fish.   We suggest selecting a high float leader. Additional waterproofing can be given to your fly delaying it becoming waterlogged, by applying a flotant product such as Gink ®.

$ 1.35