Flash Back Pheasant Tail Nymph,Nymph Fly, Trout Nymph, Fly Fishing – Dryflyonline.com
Nymphs & Emergers

Flash Back Pheasant Tail

Flash Back Pheasant Tail

This Flash Back Pheasant Tail nymph pattern is a general attractor pattern. This Flash Back Pheasant Tail pattern can be fished all year long. It imitates a number of species.

In streams or rivers, this pattern can be presented in a number of ways the most successful being a cast up stream like a dry fly and then allowing it to dead drift drag free, keep in contact with your line. Alternatively, allow the nymph to sink slowly to the bottom just above the vegetation it often seeks and slowly raise the line on the drift, through the water table to attract attention. A slight variation on this is to actually tighten up the line or pull the line as your nymph approaches the lie of a fish you are sight fishing, and this will imitate the natural movement of the nymph through the water table.

$ 1.25